If your cash or credit cards are lost or stolen

Unfortunately, this happens to lots of travellers - but don't panic. Here's our guide on what to do.

What to do

Report the incident ASAP

You must report any loss, theft or damage of credit cards or cash to the following authorities as soon as possible (and no later than 24 hours after discovery):

Contact our Emergency Assistance team on +61 2 8256 1570 if you need help with this.

Report the incident to any other relevant authorities involved, such as airline, hotel or tour operator.

For example, if a theft occurs on a plane, report the incident to the airline, and get a Property Irregularity Report (PIR) from them as documentation of the event. If it’s stolen from your hotel safe, report it to your hotel and ask them for a written report about what happened.
Include details of any compensation the service providers will provide for your loss.

Where required, tell your financial institution (for lost or stolen cards)

Let your bank or credit card provider know about the loss or theft as soon as possible. They’ll let you know what to do next and how to get a replacement card. If you don’t do this, we may either not pay your claim or reduce how much we pay.

Minimum documentation required to support your claim

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