Your winter sports holiday doesn’t go to plan (optional cover)

What to do and what you'll need to make a claim when things go wrong on your snow holiday.

What to do

Minimum documentation required to support your claim

Here are some steps you must follow if something goes wrong on your winter sports holiday and you are covered under this section. If you don't follow these steps, we may either not pay your claim or reduce how much we'll pay.

  1. Piste closed?
    You must get a detailed, written report from resort management outlining the nature and dates of the closure.

  2. Winter sports equipment is delayed, lost, damaged or stolen?
    If your winter sports equipment was:

    • Delayed
      You must get a written report from the airline or other carrier confirming a delay occurred and how long your gear was delayed.

    • Lost or stolen
      You must report it to the police within 24 hours of discovery. In the case of hire equipment, you must also report it to the hire company as soon as possible, and keep a copy of the written report and the fire agreement.

    • Damaged
      You must report the damage as soon as possible to the airline or other transport provider, hotel or resort operator, tour operator and/or other relevant authority. Ask them to provide written confirmation of the event and the damaged and any compensation they offer. You must also get a repair quote from an authorised repairer.

  3. Provide receipts for expenses incurred

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